Hi everyone! I wanted to say thank you to all who have voted for me during the public voting portion of the Dedpxl 07 Assignment.
Your support has been more than appreciated and I could not have come this far without the hundreds of people who have voted for my
image. If you have not voted yet, please go over to http://dedpxl.com/dedpxl07-vote-for-the-finalists/ and vote for my image (#8).
Remember, you can vote from computer, smartphone, and tablets. Every vote counts and make a huge difference!
You have until tomorrow evening (Nov 25th) to get your votes in.
Again, thank you to everyone who helped and worked so hard on this project!
Thank you to Reema Abdellatif and Nick Mozea for modeling, Casey Nelson Lombardi for hair and makeup,
my lovely wife Rachel Abplanalp and our good friend Isil Dohnke for assisting and holding reflectors,
and Caroline at FROCK Shop for providing the wardrobe!
Makeup & Hair: Peaches and Glitter
Location: Wing Haven Gardens
Wardrobe: FROCK Shop Revival
Models: Evolution Talent Agency